Easy Steps and Features to Start Saving!
Connect Cloud Accounts & Resources
Follow easy steps to connect to your cloud account or subscription. Once connected, all the cloud resources that can bring you savings will be fetched and displayed on the Cloud Resources page.
Identify Saving Opportunities and Schedule
Configure the service to suit you: resources, projects & environments. You can turn it ON and OFF as you need!
Create Environments & Projects.
Invite Team Members to Help You!
Manage your resources and assign them to specific projects and team members. Create permissions for your colleagues and work efficiently.
Access and Share your Operational Dashboard
View, download and email reports! Identify and compare savings by team, projects and providers; unscheduled resources and available optimizations.
Pay Only for the NET Hours.
Automatically start your environments just when you need them and stop them when you don’t use it. Optimize your resources and pay only for the net hours.
Save up to 70% on monthly cloud bills
Got any questions? Don't hesitate to reach out.